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Project partners

Project partners

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) – lead partner

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) is an institution of higher education of the Government of Ireland. It is one of 13 such institutes in Ireland. The Institute has five campuses spread across Limerick City, County Tipperary and County Clare in the Mid-West Region of Ireland.

There are currently over 600 staff at all campuses in LIT with around 50% of these being academic staff. LIT is recognised for its active learning approach, its applied research portfolio, social development inclusion and its enterprise development.

The Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Function within LIT operates out of LIT’s Limerick and Tipperary campuses. LIT also has 6 enterprise hubs across the 3 counties. RDI manages LIT’s R&D activities and provides specific supports to enterprise and innovation in the region. RDI is involved in a wide range of National and EU Funding programmes with partners in Europe, USA and Internationally.

With our focus on sustainable energy, climate action, social enterprise, rural development and technology for education, our team leads and partners in projects and activities while working closely with academic staff and experts across the Institute.

Ballyhoura Development

Ballyhoura Development (BD) is a community-led Local Development Company, and a registered charity, which works with businesses, social enterprises and communities in the Ballyhoura region of East Limerick and North Cork, in south west Ireland. Established in 1989, BD currently delivers over 30 national and European projects and programmes, focussing on three key aims of:
  1. Economic development
  2. Community development
  3. Environmental development & sustainability
Partnership and participation are the guiding principles of Ballyhoura Development’s work and activities, and a bottom-up approach is central to all of the organisation’s programme delivery. Our Vision: An area with empowered, inclusive communities, and a diversified economy. Our Mission: To work in partnership to develop empowered and inclusive communities that inspire and embrace new opportunities, drive positive sustainable social, environmental and economic change, and reduce inequalities, thereby making the Ballyhoura area an attractive location in which to live, do business, and visit. Our Values: Inclusion – Integrity – Innovation

Olympic Training

Olympic Training was established in 1995 as a VET centre and since then has evolved to training and consulting provider. Promoting investment into human resources towards faster vocational and entrepreneurial development, as well as combating social exclusion, are among the main aims of Olympic Training. In this context, the company participates actively in National and European projects, community initiatives and integrated programs that are either specialized in social integration of diverse vulnerable groups and in relative research, or, aim at the transfer of innovation, good practices and know-how, connected to lifelong learning and entrepreneurship.

So far, over 25,000 trainees have been trained by us and more than 4,500,000 man-hours of vocational training have been carried out.

At Olympic Training we aim at finding ways to bring about positive change through every single activity that we engage in.

University of Patras

The University of Patras (UofP) is located in Patras, Achaia Greece and was founded in 1964 and is structured around 8 faculties. It caters for a large number of sectors and consequently a great range of disciplines through 35 undergraduate and 49 postgraduate study programs. One of its main goals is the creation of new knowledge through the promotion of scientific research.This makes the university particularly active in research and with a high reputation for quality and innovativeness. In the QS World Ranking / Top Universities (June, 2018), UofP is ranked 701-750. Along with its other activities, UofP operates also 3 educational centers: Foreign Language Teaching Unit, Intercultural Education Centre, and Center of Vocational Training (CTV/UP). The university runs an undergraduate, graduate and doctoral program in business administration following the latest scientific developments and covers a full range of topics related to business administration in private, public and non-profit sector.

Programma integra

Programma integra is a social cooperative set up in Rome in 2005. It is aimed to implement and support plans for the social integration of migrants and refugees, in order to promote the start-up of sustainable and durable processes of autonomy and to contribute to the welfare and the development of the community.


  • Planning of social inclusion pathways. Programma integra develops and carries out interventions in favour of migrants as well as seekers and holders of international protection, providing services of socio-legal assistance, job orientation, individual and group sessions counselling, Italian language courses and vocational training, intercultural mediation services, social mediation in the field of housing.
  • Promoting of cooperation, knowledge and innovation among the social professionals. It provides social professionals training and courses and information services. It organizes seminars and workshops, promotes and carries out activities of exchange of best practices.
  • The involvement of the community in the integration challenge. Programma integra promotes campaigns to inform and raise public awareness among citizens and economic operators of the area.
  • Support in the high-impact project planning. It offers technical in the planning, management, monitoring and accountability of innovative projects aimed at the social inclusion of migrants and refugees.


  • Centrality of the person understood as listening and recognition of another individual as the foundation of a new reception culture.
  • Quality in managing interventions, through team work, constant monitoring and evaluation processes.
  • Innovation as research and trial for new forms of intervention.
  • Equal opportunities as a principle on which to build a fairer society.

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

University of Rome Tor Vergata aims at playing a leading role in research and education, as well as in technological, economic, organisational and social development in order to become not only a ‘sustainable University’ but also one of the best European Universities by 2025.

The University is structured in 6 Schools (Economics; Law; Engineering; Humanities and Philosophy; Medicine and Surgery; Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences) which are organised in 18 Departments. It offers 107 degree courses (bachelor, master and single cycle degree) and 31 PhD courses (taught in Italian or English), and 19 courses taught in English (6 double/joint degree programmes). Tor Vergata teaching encompasses 150 post lauream courses (advanced training courses, 1st and 2nd Level Vocational Master) and 50 Specialisation Schools.

In Social B, “Tor Vergata” will be represented by the Government and Civil Society (GCS) research group. The Research Group specializes in issues relating to the public sector and civil society, operating on three main research macro-areas:

  • Public Management and Governance – teaching, research and testing of processes aimed at generating public value
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation – teaching, research and testing of processes aimed at generating social value
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability teaching, research and testing of processes aimed at generating shared value.

Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

The Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (est. in 1919), has a long tradition of collaborating with geographical and other institutions abroad. This has resulted in 16 bilateral projects (2007-2020) worldwide, and 14 international projects, which have been backed by EU support mechanisms for scientific and research activities as well as EU financing. It is strongly embedded in national basic and applied research as well. Over the past twenty years the Department has cooperated with more than fifty geography departments via Erasmus exchange network, and is also a member of the GeoRegNet CEEPUS network (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies; linking 19 institutions). We offer geography education (for geography specialists and geography teachers) on BSC, MSC and PHD level. The Department of Geography has the richest geographical library in Slovenia, a geographic and cartographic laboratory, physical geography laboratory, and a research centre, and hosts up to 400 students and 28 staff members. The dynamic at the department is to be followed in the e-newsletter Geografska širina (link:

Development Agency Kozjansko

Development Agency Kozjansko is a regional development agency established in year 2000. It delivers a number national and European projects and programmes aimed at community development, economic development and sustainability. It is also lead partner for the Local Action Group “From Pohorje to Bohor” connecting seven municipalities (Dobje, Dobrna, Oplotnica, Slovenske Konjice, Šentjur, Vitanje, Zreče).

The following organizational units are also a part of DA Kozjansko:

  • Business Incubator Šentjur offers business space and support to new companies,
  • Youth Centre Šentjur offers trainings, coaching and international exchange projects to provide additional activities for children and youth. Youth Centre Šentjur also manages a co-working space Aktivator and Youth Business Incubator,
  • Adult Education Centre Šentjur provides formal and informal education and trainings to adults and various programs for seniors and other groups,
  • Tourism Information Centre Šentjur connects and promotes tourism providers, museums and cultural and natural heritage in Šentjur municipality.